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Press Kit

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about us

From The Earth - Bio

About From The Earth

From The Earth is a captivating musical journey rooted in the lush landscapes and vibrant culture of Vancouver Island, Canada. This dynamic alternative folk duo has been making waves with their heartfelt lyrics, captivating melodies, and an unwavering commitment to celebrating the island's beauty and diversity.


The Music

From The Earth's music is a rich tapestry of island-inspired sounds, fusing elements of folk, alternative rock, and a touch of the ethereal. Their songs are poetic expressions of emotions, love, and positivity, drawing listeners into an immersive experience that reflects the unique character of their island home and prairie upbringing. The band's deep connection to Vancouver Island is evident in every note and lyric, as they artfully convey their respect and admiration for the land they live upon.

Debut EP: "My Whole Life"

Their debut EP, "My Whole Life," is a testament to the band's dedication to telling meaningful stories through their music. Each track on this record invites listeners to explore the profound connections between people, places, and the environment. From uplifting anthems to introspective ballads, "My Whole Life" captures the essence of connection, love and the universal themes that bind us all together.

From The Earth's Philosophy

From The Earth believes in honoring the land they call home. Their lyrics often pay tribute to the natural beauty of Vancouver Island and Canada, the enduring spirit of its people, and the close-knit communities that thrive in this unique part of the world. Through their music, they aim to inspire love and respect for the environment and to encourage a sense of unity and positivity among their listeners.

Live Performances

From The Earth's live performances are an unforgettable experience. Whether they're playing in intimate venues or larger festivals, the band's passion and authenticity shine through in every note. Their stage presence, combined with their island-inspired music, creates an atmosphere that leaves audiences both moved and inspired.

In Conclusion

From The Earth is not just a band; they are storytellers, dreamers, and ambassadors of the beauty of Vancouver Island. Through their music, they invite you to immerse yourself in the emotions, love, and positivity that define their island home and honor the land they live upon. Join them on their journey as they continue to create and share the magic of Vancouver Island with the world.


For media inquiries, interview requests, or additional information about "From The Earth" please contact:

Mike Bauche: 250-739-1302

Michelle Edwardson: 250-816-3622

Or Mike & Michelle at:


Our Story

Introducing "From The Earth" - a dynamic musical duo forged from a serendipitous encounter that developned into a harmonious collaboration. Meet Mike and Michelle, the talented pair whose passion for music has brought them together on an enchanting journey through sound and melody.

Their story began around a decade ago, in the cozy atmosphere of an Open Mic, where fate conspired to unite two kindred spirits. Mike, with his depth of performing and soulful voice, and Michelle, a gifted songwriter brimming with lyrical depth, struck a unique chord that lingered in the air long after the final notes had faded. Despite the undeniable musical chemistry, it took until early 2022 for them to make the decision to embark on a musical partnership.

Michelle, the wordsmith of the duo, weaves heartfelt stories into each song, infusing them with a touch of vulnerability and authenticity that resonates deeply with listeners. Her lyrical prowess is complemented by Mike's versatile musical abilities, from his mesmerizing guitar paterns to his emotive vocals. Together, they blend their distinct musical styles and talents into a harmonious fusion that captivates the senses.

"From The Earth" stands as a testament to the transformative power of music, illustrating how a chance meeting can evolve into a creative synergy that produces new and captivating sounds. Their journey is a testament to the magic that can be created when like-minded souls unite to craft a unique and enchanting musical experience. "From The Earth" is a duo on the brink of something extraordinary, ready to take audiences on a captivating musical odyssey through their artistry.

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Meet Mike & Michelle

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OUr music

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